Publications and research

Our flyer (2021).

Headcount of street connected children in Kumasi, 2021, research by Safe-Child Advocacy, Chance for Children, Muslim Family Counselling Support, StreetInvest (2022).

COVID-19: Action for Children Without Parental Care in Africa-Call-to-action-report, Transform Alliance Africa (2021).

Kinship care in Sub-Saharan Africa: An asset worth supporting, Family for Every Child (2020).

The Impact of COVID-19 on Children in Street Situations, Consortium for Street Children (2020), report to the VN with contribution by Adamfo Ghana.

Vooral projecten voor meest kwetsbare mensen getroffen door coronacrisis, VicaVersa (2020).

PI en Noodhulp, Partin (2020).

Wilde Ganzen Coronafonds voorziet in behoefte, Partin (2020).

I will change the world, Adamfo Ghana (2020).

Deze kans krijg ik nooit meer! (Dutch) The story of Ben, by Adamfo Ghana (2017)
Won the first price at the Partin Story Contest 2017.

60 jaar ontwikkelingssamenwerking door Wilde Ganzen, OneWorld (2017) in which we are mentioned with Adamfo Ghana and our partner Street Children Project.

Zo vader, zo dochter. Samen in actie voor Ghanese straatmeisjes, Wilde Ganzen Magazine (juni 2017).

– Full educational opportunities for all (2015).

– Kinderen zonder ‘thuis, M. Vossen (2015), edition by Better Care Network Netherlands in which the Vocational Training Centre in Kumasi is mentioned as example of ´best practise´ of alternative care.

Wanneer ‘gewoon helpen’ niet genoeg is, publication at (2014).


FREE children’s book to inform children in Africa, with the focus on Tanzania and Kenya, about coronavirus, by Els van Hemert (2020).

Child friendly United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, by UNICEF.

Street Homes and Its Security Implications in Kumasi Metropolis-Ghana, Francess Dufie Azumah (2019).

Factors that Promote Resilience in Homeless Children and Adolescents in Ghana: A Qualitative Study, Kwaku Oppong Asante (2019).

Street Children and Adolescents in Ghana: A Qualitative Study of Trajectory and Behavioural Experiences of Homelessness, Kwaku Oppong Asante (2016).

The Social Support of Street Children: The Experiences and Views of Female Head Porters in Kumasi, Ghana, by E. Cudjoe (2016).

Social Capital, Health and Health Care among Street Children : A Case Study of Street Children in Kumasi Metropolitan Area, Ghana, by P.A. Amoah and S.H. Jørgensen (2014)

So you want to consult with children? A toolkit of good practice, Save the Children (2013).